Magic mirror thaumcraft
Magic mirror thaumcraft

magic mirror thaumcraft


The greater the instability, the more the transfer rate is slowed. This mod adds an item called Magic Mirror that allows the player to teleport from any location to his designated spawn point. Transporting items through mirrors places stress on the magical glass and to prevent it from shattering the mirror automatically slows down the rate at which items is spit out the other side. Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. It requires 4 Visum and 4 Vitreus, along with 10 Vis. Recipe for Mirrored Glass It is created in the Infusion Altar, using Glass Panes and Quicksilver. While one of the paired mirrors is picked up, you may easily relink either of them. Mirrored Glass Edit Mirrored Glass is a material used in the creation of a Magic Mirror. When you pick up a mirror it will remember the last partner it was linked with, allowing you to easily move it without having to relink it. Mirrors can only be linked in pairs, so while both are placed in the world and able to transmit items you cannot link them to another mirror. You may then place the second wherever you wish and items thrown into one will be ejected out the other. You then right-click with a second mirror on the one you placed, and the pair will become linked. To link a pair of these magical mirrors you simply need to place one of them in a desired location. Unfortunately this realm is extremely hostile to mortal creatures like yourself so using these mirrors to transport living creatures is not yet possible. Anything shoved (or piped) through one mirror will pass through this realm and emerge from the other mirror - even across dimensional boundaries.


Of course, transporting items is not free and every 16 items will consume 1 vis from the local aura.You are now able to enchant a pair of magical mirrors that act as doorways to the void between the worlds. However while one of the paired mirrors is picked up, you may easily relink either of them. Mirrors can only be linked in pairs, so while both are placed in the world and able to transmit items, you cannot link them to another mirror.

magic mirror thaumcraft

You may then place the second wherever you wish and items thrown into one will ejected out the other. Unfortunately this realm is extremely hostile to mortal creatures like yourself to using these mirrors to transport living creatures is not yet possible. Anything shoved through the one mirror will pass through this realm and exit through the other mirror-even across dimensional boundaries. "You are now able to enchant a pair of magical mirrors to act as doorways to the void between the worlds. Which modpack version are you using If in multiplayer On which server does this happen Stonelegion What did you try to do, and what did you expect to happen I'm using magic mirro. There is magic inherent in all the objects and creatures of the world, and more that leaks in from elsewhere.


These items are the reflective glass, which is crafted with 1 Quicksilver and 1 Glass Pane, and is used to make the Mirror there is the Magic Mirror, which is a item transporter block and there is a Magical Hand Mirror, which is a portable version of the Magical Mirror. Thaumcraft is a magic mod with a tech tree.

magic mirror thaumcraft

The Magical Mirror is an item that acts as an item teleporter.

Magic mirror thaumcraft